
cookie settings

Mint Investments a. s.
Address: Václavské náměstí 773/4, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1
Company ID (IČO): 27104028
VAT ID (DIČ): CZ04674791
Contact email:

Registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File No. 21258

We are the company Mint Investments a. s. and operate these websites. We are also the controller of your personal data.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to your mobile device, computer, or other device when you visit our website. During each subsequent visit to our website, the cookie files are sent back to the original website or to another website that recognizes the cookies. In simple terms, cookies allow a website to store information about your visit to web pages.

Services Using Cookies That We Utilize

On our websites, we use the Google Tag Manager service and possibly other services provided by Google, the Facebook Pixel service provided by Meta Platforms, and potentially other services listed below.

These services work with information obtained through cookie files. For more information on the processing of personal data through these services, you can visit the respective providers' websites.

What Types of Cookies Do We Process?

Our website uses various categories of cookie files for different purposes. Generally, we categorize cookies into the following types:

Necessary cookies are essential for the basic functionality of the website. Processing these cookies is necessary for our website to fulfill its basic function. We can process necessary cookies without your consent.

All other cookies can be processed only with your consent. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time in the cookie settings. However, withdrawing or not granting your consent may affect your browsing experience on our website.

Details about the specific cookie files we process, their purposes, and the duration can be found below.

1 year
Stores information about the acceptance and rejection of cookies
1 year
Stores information about the preferred language version
marketingové cookies
2 years
Facebook cookie for storing the last session
1 year
Facebook cookie that stores account details
3 months
Stores information about the acceptance and rejection of cookies
3 měsíce
Facebook cookie for remarketing
90 days
Facebook cookie for user login detection
90 days
Facebook cookie for tracking user history
90 dní
Facebook cookie for fraud prevention
30 dní
Facebook cookie that stores user ID
2 roky
Facebook cookie that stores browser details
1 rok
Facebook cookie that stores account details
2 roky
Google cookie used to recognize the user
2 rok
Google cookie that stores session state
Currently, we do not use any statistical cookies.